
Professor Mingzhong Li

Job: Professor of Crystal Engineering & Drug Delivery

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: AV´óƽ̨, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 257 7132

E: mli@dmu.ac.uk

W: /pharmacy


Personal profile

Prof Li's research is focused on solving key challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry for improvements in production quality and reduction in manufacturing costs through utilising cutting edge analytical and modelling techniques to explore optimal formulations starting from a molecular level characterisation and up to bulk properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and excipients and application of real time process analysis and simulation techniques for process monitoring and control.

Prof Li's current research areas include using co-crystallisation approach to modification of APIs’ physical and chemical properties, multiscale modeling of drug product and manufacturing process design (i.e., molecular dynamics modeling, computational fluid dynamics, and population balance model), application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) to evaluate in vivo performance of formulation, development of online particle sizing techniques for control of crystallisation processes and development of online process models for control of fluidised bed granulation processes.

Research group affiliations

Pharmaceutical technologies group.

Publications and outputs

  • dc.title: Assessing Dose‑Exposure–Response Relationships of Miltefosine in Adults and Children using Physiologically‑Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Approach dc.contributor.author: Madu, Shadrack J.; Wang, Ke; Chirumamilla, Siri Kalyan; Turner, David B.; Steel, Patrick G.; Li, M. dc.description.abstract: Objectives: Miltefosine is the frst and only oral medication to be successfully utilized as an antileishmanial agent. However, the drug is associated with diferences in exposure patterns and cure rates among diferent population groups e.g. ethnicity and age (i.e., children v adults) in clinical trials. In this work, mechanistic population physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models have been developed to study the dose-exposure–response relationship of miltefosine in in silico clinical trials and evaluate the diferences in population groups, particularly children and adults. Methods: The Simcyp population pharmacokinetics platform was employed to predict miltefosine exposure in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in a virtual population under diferent dosing regimens. The cure rate of a simulation was based on the percentage of number of the individual virtual subjects with AUCd0-28>535 µgâ‹…day/mL in the virtual population. Results: It is shown that both adult and paediatric PBPK models of miltefosine can be developed to predict the PK data of the clinical trials accurately. There was no signifcant diference in the predicted dose-exposure–response of the miltefosine treatment for diferent simulated ethnicities under the same dose regime and the dose-selection strategies determined the clinical outcome of the miltefosine treatment. A lower cure rate of the miltefosine treatment in paediatrics was predicted because a lower exposure of miltefosine was simulated in virtual paediatric in comparison with adult virtual populations when they received the same dose of the treatment. Conclusions: The mechanistic PBPK model suggested that the higher fraction of unbound miltefosine in plasma was responsible for a higher probability of failure in paediatrics because of the diference in the distribution of plasma proteins between adults and paediatrics. The developed PBPK models could be used to determine an optimal miltefosine dose regime in future clinical trials. dc.description: open access article

  • dc.title: Optimisation of Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Dissolution Performance through a Synergistic Precipitation Inhibition dc.contributor.author: Shi, Kejing; Li, M. dc.description.abstract: Objectives: Polymeric excipients play an important role in a cocrystal formulation to act as precipitation inhibitors to maximize the potential. Otherwise, a stable form of the parent drug will be recrystallized on the dissolving cocrystal surface and/or in the bulk solution during the cocrystal dissolution process, negating the solubility advantage. The objectives of this work were to investigate the potential of using combined polymers to maximise the dissolution performance of surface precipitation pharmaceutical cocrystals. Methods: The dissolution performance of a highly soluble fufenamic acid and nicotinamide (FFA-NIC) cocrystal has been systematically studied with predissolved or powder mixed with a single polymer, including a surface precipitation inhibitor [i.e., copolymer of vinylpyrrolidone (60%) /vinyl acetate (40%) (PVP-VA)] and two bulk precipitation inhibitors [i.e., polyethylene glycol (PEG) and Soluplus (SLP)], or binary polymers combinations. Results: A single polymer of PVP-VA prevented the FFA surface precipitation for an enhanced dissolution performance of FFA-NIC cocrystal. Unfortunately, it cannot sustain the supersaturated FFA concentration in the bulk solution. A combination of two polymers of PVP-VA and SLP has shown a synergistic inhibition efect to enhance the dissolution advantage of FFA-NIC cocrystal. Conclusions: The dissolution of a cocrystal with surface precipitation of the parent drug can be described as: i) the cocrystal surface contacting the dissolution medium; ii) the cocrystal surface dissolving; iii) the parent drug precipitation on the dissolving surface; and iv) the parent drug particles redissolving. A combination of two types of polymers can be used to maximise the cocrystal performance in solution. dc.description: open access article

  • dc.title: Artemisinin Cocrystals for Bioavailability Enhancement: Part 2. In-vivo Bioavailability and PBPK Modelling dc.contributor.author: Kaur, Manreet; Yardley, Vanessa; Wang, Ke; Masania, Jinit; Arroo, R. R. J.; Turner, David B.; Li, M. dc.description.abstract: We report the evaluation and prediction of the pharmacokinetic (PK) performance of artemisinin (ART) cocrystal formulations, i.e., 1:1 Artemisinin-Orcinol (ART-ORC) and 2:1 Artemisinin-Resorcinol (ART2-RES), using in vivo murine animal and PBPK (physiological based pharmacokinetic) models. The efficacy of the ART cocrystal formulations along with the parent drug ART were tested in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. When given at the same dose, the ART-cocrystal formulation showed a significant reduction in parasitaemia at day 4 post infection compared to ART alone. The PK parameters including Cmax (maximum plasma concentration), Tmax (time to Cmax), AUC (area under the curve) were obtained by determining drug concentrations in the plasma using LC-HRMS (Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry), showing enhanced ART levels after dosage with the cocrystal formulations. The dose-response tests revealed that a significantly lower dose of the ART cocrystals in the formulation was required to achieve a similar therapeutic effect as ART alone. A PBPK model was developed using a PBPK mouse simulator to accurately predict the in vivo behaviour of the cocrystal formulations by combining in vitro dissolution profiles with the properties of the parent drug ART. The study illustrated that information from classical in vitro and in vivo experimental investigations of the parent drug of ART formulation can be coupled with PBPK modelling to predict the PK parameters of an ART cocrystal formulation in an efficient manner. Therefore, the proposed modelling strategy could be used to establish in vitro and in vivo correlations for different cocrystals intended to improve dissolution properties and to support clinical candidate selection, contributing to assessment of cocrystal developability and formulation development. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.

  • dc.title: Cocrystallisation of Daidzein with pyridine-derived molecules: Screening, structure determination and characterisation dc.contributor.author: Bolus, Linzie; Wang, Ke; Pask, Christopher; Lai, Xiaojun; Li, M. dc.description.abstract: Daidzein (7,4' -dihydroxyisoflavone, DAI) is an isoflavone found in soybeans and Pueraria. DAI has potential therapeutic benefits on cancer and osteoporosis yet has quite low solubility, limiting its use. Herein a cocrystal screening of DAI with pyridine-derived molecules, i.e., nicotinamide, isonicotinamide, caffeine, d -Proline, l -Proline and 4,4' -Bipyridine was conducted. A new cocrystal of Daidzein and 4,4' -Bipyridine (DAI-BIP) was successfully generated via grinding and solvent methods. DAI-BIP showed an increased solubility and dissolution rate. In comparison to DAI, there was a 2.03-fold increase of the dissolution performance parameter for DAI-BIP where the concentration observed for DAI quickly reached the equi- librium solubility and continued to reach 1.49 times DAI solubility. A parachute effect was also observed during the dissolution of DAI-BIP, indicating that BIP might be able to maintain the supersaturated state of DAI in solution proving DAI’s ability to form cocrystals of higher solubility and enhanced dissolution properties through co-crystallisation dc.description: Daidzein has extremely poor water solubility affecting its bioavailability even with high doses. To achieve the therapeutic effects of Daidzein, the aim of this research project is to design multi-component crystal forms of Daidzein cocrystals with improved solubility and dissolution rate to maximize its therapeutic effect. The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.

  • dc.title: Understanding the effects of a polymer on the surface dissolution of pharmaceutical cocrystals using combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation approaches dc.contributor.author: Li, M.; Kirubakaran, P.; Wang, Ke; Rosbottom, I.; Cross, R. B. M. dc.description.abstract: The molecular interactions between the surfaces of cocrystals [i.e., flufenamic acid and theophylline (FFA-TP), flufenamic acid and nicotinamide (FFA-NIC), and carbamazepine and nicotinamide (CBZ-NIC)] and the polymers [i.e., polyethyleneglycol (PEG), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and copolymer of vinylpyrrolidone (60%)/vinyl acetate (40%) (PVP-VA)] were investigated through combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation approaches to resolve the mechanisms of cocrystal dissolution and precipitation. It was found that adsorption of the polymers on the surfaces of cocrystals might prevent the precipitation of the parent drug and alter the dissolution rate. The effect of polymers on precipitation could be determined by the cocrystal dissolution rate, the interactions of polymers with the surfaces of cocrystals, the characters of the noncovalent bonds formed between the polymers and the cocrystal surfaces, and the mobility and conformation of the polymers. The etching experiments of single cocrystals revealed that FFA-NIC and CBZ-NIC appeared as surface precipitation cocrystals while FFA-TP could lead to bulk precipitation. Both PVP and PVP-VA were good precipitation inhibitors for FFA-NIC and they could completely inhibit the recrystallization of FFA III on the surfaces of dissolving cocrystals. In addition, as the adsorption of the polymer was slower than dissolution rate of the cocrystals, PVP and PVP-VA could only partially inhibit the recrystallization of CBZ dihydrate on the surface of CBZ-NIC. While PEG had no inhibitory effect on the surface crystallization of FFA-NIC and CBZ-NIC, due to its weak interactions with the surfaces of the cocrystals, it enhanced the dissolution performance of FFA-TP. In contrast, PVP and PVP-VA reduced the dissolution rate of FFA-TP and subsequently undermined the performance of cocrystals. Taken together, the approach of combining experimental and molecular dynamics simulation provided insights into the mechanisms of cocrystal dissolution as well as the polymers acting as inhibitory excipients for precipitation/recrystallisation, making contribution to the development of novel formulations. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.

  • dc.title: Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Study of the Gas-Particle Circulation Pattern Within a Fluidized Bed Granulator: By Full-Factorial Design of Fluidization Velocity and Particle Size dc.contributor.author: Liu, Huolong; Yoon, S.; Li, M. dc.description: This is the authors accepted manuscript

  • dc.title: Iterative identification of output error model for industrial processes with time delay subject to colored noise dc.contributor.author: Dong, Shijian; Liu, Tao; Li, M.; Cao, Yi dc.description.abstract: To deal with colored noise and unexpected load disturbance in identification of industrial processes with time delay, a bias-eliminated iterative least-squares (ILS) identification method is proposed in this paper to estimate the output error model parameters and time delay simultaneously. An extended observation vector is constructed to establish an ILS identification algorithm. Moreover, a variable forgetting factor is introduced to enhance the convergence rate of parameter estimation. For consistent estimation, an instrumental variable method is given to deal with the colored noise. The convergence and upper bound error of parameter estimation are analyzed. Two illustrative examples are used to show the effectiveness and merits of the proposed method.

  • dc.title: Simultaneous Rapid Determination of the Solubility and Diffusion Coefficients of a Poorly Water-Soluble Drug Based on a Novel UV Imaging System dc.contributor.author: Lu, Yan; Li, M. dc.description.abstract: The solubility and diffusion coefficient are two of the most important physicochemical properties of a drug compound. In practice, both have been measured separately, which is time consuming. This work utilizes a novel technique of UV imaging to determine the solubility and diffusion coefficients of poorly water-soluble drugs simultaneously. A 2-step optimal method is proposed to determine the solubility and diffusion coefficients of a poorly water-soluble pharmaceutical substance based on the Fick's second law of diffusion and UV imaging measurements. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can be used to determine the solubility and diffusion coefficients of a drug with reasonable accuracy, indicating that UV imaging may provide a new opportunity to accurately measure the solubility and diffusion coefficients of a poorly water-soluble drug simultaneously and rapidly.

  • dc.title: Bi-goal evolution for many-objective optimization problems dc.contributor.author: Li, M.; Yang, Shengxiang; Liu, Xiaohui dc.description.abstract: This paper presents a meta-objective optimization approach, called Bi-Goal Evolution (BiGE), to deal with multi-objective optimization problems with many objectives. In multi-objective optimization, it is generally observed that 1) the conflict between the proximity and diversity requirements is aggravated with the increase of the number of objectives and 2) the Pareto dominance loses its effectiveness for a high-dimensional space but works well on a low-dimensional space. Inspired by these two observations, BiGE converts a given multi-objective optimization problem into a bi-goal (objective) optimization problem regarding proximity and diversity, and then handles it using the Pareto dominance relation in this bi-goal domain. Implemented with estimation methods of individuals' performance and the classic Pareto nondominated sorting procedure, BiGE divides individuals into different nondominated layers and attempts to put well-converged and well-distributed individuals into the first few layers. From a series of extensive experiments on four groups of well-defined continuous and combinatorial optimization problems with 5, 10 and 15 objectives, BiGE has been found to be very competitive against five state-of-the-art algorithms in balancing proximity and diversity. The proposed approach is the first step towards a new way of addressing many-objective problems as well as indicating several important issues for future development of this type of algorithms. dc.description: This article is available via Open Access on the publisher's website.

  • dc.title: Effects of coformers on phase transformation and release profiles of carbamazepine cocrystals in hydroxypropyl methylcellulose based matrix tablets dc.contributor.author: Qiu, S.; Li, M. dc.description.abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of coformers on phase transformation and release profiles of carbamazepine (CBZ) cocrystals in hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) based matrix tablets. It has been found that selection of different coformers of saccharin (SAC) and cinnamic acid (CIN) can affect the stability of CBZ cocrystals in solution, resulting in significant differences in the apparent solubility of CBZ. The dissolution advantage of CBZ–SAC cocrystals can only be shown for a short period during dissolution because of the fast conversion to its dihydrate form (DH). HPMC can partially inhibit the crystallisation of CBZ DH during dissolution of CBZ–SAC cocrystal. However, the increased viscosity of HPMC dissolution medium reduced the dissolution rate of CBZ–SAC cocrystals. Therefore the CBZ–SAC cocrystal formulation did not show any significant advantage in CBZ release rate. In contrast the improved CBZ dissolution rate of CBZ–CIN cocrystal can be realised in both solution and formulation due to its high stability. In conclusion, exploring and understanding the mechanisms of the phase transformation of pharmaceutical cocrystals in aqueous medium for selection of lead cocrystals is the key for success of product development.

Research interests/expertise

  • Pharmaceutical co-crystal screening
  • Pre-formation development: in vitro dissolution and stability tests 
  • Multiscale modeling of drug product and manufacturing process design (i.e., molecular dynamics modeling, computational fluid dynamics, and population balance model)
  • Application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) to evaluate formation performance in vivo
  • Patient centric oral medicines for Neglected Tropical Diseases
  • Crystallisation/Co-crystallisation mechnisms (i.e., nucleation and crystal growth)
  • Particle sizing, process modelling, control and optimisation (i.e., granulation processes and crystallisation)

Areas of teaching

  • Formulation science and drug delivery
  • Analytical techniques and chemometrics
  • Crystallisation/co-crystallisation.


  • PhD
  • MSc
  • BSc.

AV´óƽ̨ taught

  • Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science
  • MSc Pharmaceutical Quality by Design.

Membership of external committees

  • UKRI Talent Panel College 
  • EPSRC Peer Review College  
  • Committee member, British Association for Crystal Growth
  • Particle technology subject group in Institution of Chemical Engineers

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • British Association for Crystal Growth
  • Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Great Britain

Forthcoming events

  • A member of Conference Committee of “The 47th British Association for Crystal Growth annual conference, 27-29 June 2016, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
  • A member of Conference Committee of “The 46th British Association for Crystal Growth annual conference, 21-23 June 2015, Queen Mary, London UK
  • Chair on “Surface Dissolution Imaging Symposium”, AV´óƽ̨, 12-13 June, 2012.

Conference attendance

  • The 47th British Association for Crystal Growth annual conference, 27-29 June 2016, University of Leeds, Leeds UK
  • The 46th British Association for Crystal Growth annual conference, 21-23 June 2015, Queen Mary, London UK

Consultancy work

  • Co-crystallisation
  • Pre-formulation/formulation
  • In vitro dissolution
  • Pharmaceutical process modelling and control
  • QbD.

Current research students

  • Mr. Jay Makadia,3rd-year PhD student, 1st supervisor
  • Mr. Morteza Haghshenas, 3rd-year PhD student, 1st supervisor
  • Mr. Chufan Liang, 2nd-year PhD student, 1st supervisor
  • Mr. Mayowa Adeyemi, 2nd-year PhD studnet, 1st supervisor
  • Mr. Shadrack Madu, 1st-year PhD student, 1st supervisor
  • Miss Peach Alinda, 1st-year PhD student, 1st supervisor

Externally funded research grants information

  • In-process particle sizing by refractive index measurement, EPSRC, 01/09/2008-31/08/2010, £196072, PI.
  • Network Travel Grant, EPSRC Directed Assembly Network, £600, 2013, PI
  • Building the International Leading Pharmaceutical Research Capacity for the Pharmaceutical Technologies Group at AV´óƽ̨, Higher Education Innovation fund, £8000, 2013-2014, PI
  • European Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Collaboration Network for EU Grant Applications, Higher Education Innovation fund, £2900, 2015, PI
  • Equipment Capital, Higher Education Innovation fund, £72,878, 2016, PI.
  • Developing Patient Centric Oral Medicines for Neglected Tropical Disease, EPSRC, EP/R021198/1, £71,217, 1/4/2018-31/3/2019, PI.
  • Development of Patentable Novel Antimalarial Medicines, Funded by HEIF (Higher Education Innovation fund), £14,924, 1/01/2018 -31/07/2018, PI.
  • Patient-centric supramolecular formulations of new anti-leishmanial drugs for Indian Communities, EPSRC, EP/T020490/1, £906,253, 1/4/2020-31/3 /2022, PI at De Montfort Univeristy (Durham University is the leading partner of the project consortium). 
  • Multiple-reactor Crystallisation System – Polar Bear Plus Crystal, HEIF, £19,938, 2020, Principal investigator
  • Mechanistic Multiscale Co-crystal Dissolution Modelling, EPSRC, EP/V047329/1, £202,422, 01/02/2021-31/01/2023, PI
  • Patient-centric Supramolecular Formulations of Novel Antimalarial Drugs from Nigerian Plants, Royal Society, IES\R2\222004, £12,000, 02/11/2022-01/11/2024, PI
  • Exploring a novel X-ray technique to monitor co-crystal dissolution in situ for the design of medicine, Daiwa Foundation, 4179/15016, £9000, 01/01/2023-31/12/2023, PI

Internally funded research project information

  • Pharmaceutical technologies group network, RIF, 1/01/2010-31/07/2010, £5000, PI.
  • Equipment Capital, HEIF4, 2010, £67,850, PI
  • Graduate School High Flyers PhD Scholarships 2017-18, DMU, £59,100, PI.

  • Graduate School High Flyers PhD Scholarships 2016-17, DMU, £59,100, Co-I

  • Graduate School PhD Scholarships 2020-2023, DMU, £59,100, PI.

  •  Patient-Centric Cocyrstal Formulations of Praziquantel for Paediatric Use, QR GCRF, DMU, £24,940, 2020, PI

Published patents

PCT/GB2009/002599, Determining the particle size distribution of a suspension, UK.

Former PhD students

  • Dr. Ning Qiao, PhD, 2014, 1st supervisor

PhD thesis: Investigation of Carbamazepine-Nicotinamide cocrystal solubility and dissolution by the UV imaging system

  • Dr. Huolong Liu, PhD, 2014, 1st supervisor

PhD thesis: Modeling and control of batch pulsed top-spray fluidized bed granulation

  • Dr. Shi Qiu, PhD, 2015, 1st supervisor

PhD thesis: Effect of polymers on Carbamazepine cocrystals phase transformation and release profiles

  • Dr. Minshan Guo, PhD, 2018, 1st supervisor

PhD thesis: Investigating the Dissolution and Permeation Properties of Flufenamica Acid Cocrystals

  • Dr. Preyanthiny Kirubakaran, PhD, 2021, 1st supervisor

PhD thesis: Mechanistic Understanding of Co-crystal solubility and dissolution by using a combination of Experimental and Molecular Modelling Techniques

  • Dr. Manreet Kaur, PhD, 2021, 1st supervisor

PhD thesis: Artimisinin Bioavailability Improvement

  • Dr. Linzie Bolus, PhD, 2021, 1st supervisor

PhD thesis: Developing multi-component crystalforms of Daidzein and Luteolin forBioavailability improvement

Former MSc project students

2022: Miss Solin Sam, Miss Anju Thomas, Miss Anu Sunny, Miss elizabeth Joy

2021: Mr Orvil Pereira, Mr Kassim Abukassim, Miss Amina Sheta 

2020: Miss Peace Alinda, Miss , Miss natasha Buchanan, Miss Priyanka Ahmed

2019: Mr Atif Qayyun, Miss Emma Holden, Miss natasha Buchanan, Miss Priyanka Ahmed

2018: Mr Chufan Liang, Mr. Chuhong Cheng, Mr. Weilin Tan, Mr. Mohammed Patel

2017: Miss Yasmine Alyassin; Mr. Saeed Gugu; Mr. Abdulrahman Nuhu; Mr. Aaron Gill; Mr. Rahman Ahmed

2016: Miss Jialu Situ; Miss Manreet Kaur; Miss Preyanthiny Kirubakaran; Mr. Jay Makadia

2015: Miss Junmin Lai; Mr. Balraj Rai; Miss Samya Khaled

2014: Miss Minshan Guo; Mr. Dillan Pattni; Mr. Xuechao Hou; Mr. Simron Rai

2012: Miss Fatma Ali; Miss  Ayobami Temitope Ajibola; Mr. Junaid Razaq; Mr. Rukhsar Tariq

Group news

  • Oct 2023: Congratulations to Shadrack for publishing a paper entitled" Assessing Dose-Exposure-Response Relationships of Miltefosine in Adults and Children using Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Approach " in Pharmaceutical Research,  
  • May 2023: Congratulations to Kejing for publishing a paper entitled "Optimisation of Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Dissolution Performance through a Synergistic Precipitation Inhibition" in Pharmaceutical Research,   
  • April 2023: Congratulations to Jay for publishing a paper entitled " Aprigenin cocrystals: from computational prescreening to physicochemical property characterization" in Crystal Growth & Design,   
  • November 2022: Congratulations to the Group to be awarded a Daiwa Foundation Award for supporting reciprocal visits between the group with the Fukuoka/Gunma Universities to stimulate collaborations.
  • October 2022: Congratulations to the Group to be awarded a Royal Society International Exchanges award for overseas travel between collaborators in the UK and Nigeria.
  • August 2022: Congratulations go to Dr. Manreet Kaur,  who has been awarded "Doctoral Thesis Prize" for the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences in the Doctoral Thesis Prize competition. Her thesis entitled: Artimisinin Bioavailability Improvement. 
  • August 2022: Congratulations to Peace for publishing a paper entitled “Nucleation of Supersaturated Flufenamic Acid Cocrystal Solutions in the Presence of a Polymer” in Crystal Growth & Design.  
  • July 2022: Prof. Li has been awarded a Vice‑Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award (VCDTA).   
  • Dec. 2021: Congratulations to Jay for publishing a paper entitled " Artemisinin-acetylenedicarboxylic acid cocrystal: screening, structure determination, and physicochemical property characterisation" in CrystEngComm,   
  • Dec. 2021:  Congratulations to Linzie to pass her Viva with minor corrections.
  • Nov. 2021: Congratulations to Manreet for publishing two papers entitled " Artemisinin Cocrystals for Bioavailability Enhancement. Part 1: Formulation Design and Role of the Polymeric Excipient" in Molecular Pharmaceutics,  and "Artemisinin Cocrystals for Bioavailability Enhancement. Part 2: In Vivo Bioavailability and Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling" in Molecular  Pharmaceutics,   
  • July 2021: Welcome Dr. Kejing Shi as a PDRF to join the group.
  • Jun. 2021: Congratulations to Manreet to pass her Viva with minor corrections.
  • Feb. 2021: Welcome Dr. Preyanthiny Kirubakaran as a PDRF to join the group. 
  • Feb. 2021: Congratulations to Preya to pass her Viva with minor corrections.
  • Jan. 2021: Congratulations to Peace Alinda to be offered a PhD studentship to study in the group.
  • Dec 2020: Congratulations to Group to be awarded an .
  • Dec 2020: Congratulations to Group to be awarded funds for .
  • Dec 2020: Congratulations to Group to be awarded funds for .
  • July 2020: Congratulations to Mr Shadrack Madu to be offered a PhD studentship to study in the group.
  • July 2020: Congratulations to Linzie for publishing a paper entitled "Cocrystallisation of Daidzein with pyridine-derived molecules: Screening, structure determination and characterisation" in Journal of Molecular Structure, ;
  • February 2020: Congratulations to the group to be awarded funds for Polar Bear Plus Crystal.
  • February 2020: Congratulations to the group as part of  UK-India collaborative consortium to be awarded an EPSRC project. The project is a multidisciplinary, multicentre Anglo-Indian collaboration between Prof Patrick Steel (lead), Profs Jon Steed and Andrew Russell at Durham, AV´óƽ̨, Keele University (Profs Helen Price and Lisa Dikomitis), University of Hyderabad (Prof Ashwini Nangia), IICB Kolkata (Prof Nahid Ali) and BHU (Prof Shyam Sundar). In this UK-India collaborative project, that brings together chemistry, pharmaceutics, formulation science, parasitology and medical anthropology, we aim build on these to develop novel antileishmanial compounds with better modes of administration.
  • January 2020: Welcome Mr Mayowa Adeyemi to join the group for PhD study
  • December 2019: Congratulations to Preya for publishing a paper entitled "Understanding the effects of a polymer on the surface dissolution of pharmaceutical cocrystals using combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation approaches" in Molecular Pharmaceutics, 
  • November 2019: Congratulations to Manreet to be awarded a travel bursary to attend the GCRF NTD network Workshop in Techniques and Technologies in Drug Discovery to be held in Mendoza, Argentina  1-4 November 2019.
  • July 2019: Congratulations go to our post graduate research student, Miss  Manreet Kaur, 3rd year PhD student from the Pharmaceutical Technologies Group, who has been awarded the poster competitions  at the 50th annual meeting of the British Association of Crystal Growth (BACG) in London.
  • Story of Dr. Minshan Guo: /about-dmu/news/2019/may/minshan-lands-lectureship-at-one-of-chinas-leading-universities.aspx
  • April 2019: Welcome Mr Chufan Liang to join the group for PhD study.
  • March 2019: Congratulations go to Linzie to win 2nd Prize of
  • September 2018: Welcome Mr Morteza Haghshenas to join the group for PhD study.
  • August 2018: Congratulations to Minshan to pass her Viva with minor corrections.
  • August 2018: Congratulations to Minshan for publishing a paper entitled "Investigating Permeation Behaviour of Flufenamic Acid Cocrystals using A Dissolution and Permeation System" in Molecular Pharmaceutics:  
  • July 2018: Welcome Mr Jay Makadia to join the group for PhD study.
  • April 2018: Congratulation to Linzie for winning Research Degree Students' Poster Competition 3rd Prize.
  • March 2018: Congratulation to the group to be awarded an .
  • January 2018: Welcome Dr. Ke Wang to join the group as a Research Assistant.
  • November 2017: Dr. Li is Guest Editor for Special Issue "" in .
  • October 2017: Congratulations to Minshan for publishing a paper entitled "Insight into Flufenamic Acid Cocrystal Dissolution in the Presence of a Polymer in Solution: from Single Crystal to Powder Dissolution" in Molecular Pharmaceutics:
  • July 2017: Congratulations go to our post graduate research student, Miss  Preya Kirubakaran,1st year PhD student from the Pharmaceutical Technologies Group, who has been awarded the 1st place of the poster competitions  at the 48th annual meeting of the British Association of Crystal Growth (BACG) in Manchester, from 27th to 30th of June, with more 150 delegates from 14 countries
  • February 2017: Congratulations on Linzie Bolus's success on the award of a high flyer scholarship. 
  • June 2016: Congratulations go to Dr. Shi Qiu, who has been awarded "Doctoral Thesis Prize" for the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences in the Doctoral Thesis Prize competition. Her thesis entitled: Effects of Polymers on Carbamazepine cocrystals phase transformation and release profiles.

Opportunity to work and/or study PhD in the group

  • Group is recruiting two full studenship PhDs with deadline of 25th January 2024. Details can be found as /doctoral-college/study/scholarships.aspx 
  • Group is recruiting a full studentship PhD with deadline of 11th January 2021. Details can be found as  or /doctoral-college/study/scholarships.aspx .

  • Group is recruiting a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with deadline of 28th Feb. 2021. Details can be found as 

