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Non-devolved Validation, Approval and Review For non-devolved Validation, Approval and Collaborative Reviews, refer to the  HYPERLINK "http://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/quality-management-and-policy/academic-quality/collaborative-provision/collaborative-provision-guidance-forms.aspx" Guide to Collaborative Provision for further guidance and the relevant forms. For non-devolved (collaborative provision) events, there is a  HYPERLINK "http://www.dmu.ac.uk/documents/about-dmu-documents/quality-management-and-policy/academic-quality/collaborative-provision/cp-external-panel-member-nomination-form.doc" separate nomination form that should be completed. To meet the criteria for selection one or more of the following credentials will be necessary: Experience as a Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) reviewer or auditor Experience as an external examiner at another Higher Education Institution (HEI) Participation in professional body accreditation activity as a panel member Contribution to the debate about subject quality at a national level, for example through subject associations Distinction by way of scholarship and research within the subject The external member on the validation panel should not be a current external examiner for the parent programme management board (or equivalent) of the programme being considered for approval nor have been involved in the development of the programme. A previous external examiner may be invited to participate as an external panel member once five years have elapsed since his/her end of tenure. Appointment process The PVC/Dean should approve the choice of external advisors, using the Nomination of External Panel Members form (below). The nomination form should then be sent to the Head of Academic Quality, for approval on behalf of the Academic Quality Committee (AQC). Panel members should be notified in writing once their nomination has been approved. Please note that for each external panel member, the relevant faculty must pay a daily fee (please check the DAQ website for current rates) as well as covering their expenses. Right to work in the UK In order for the University to comply with its legal duties under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act (2006) the University must ensure it has checked that all external panel members are eligible to work in the UK. External panel members are asked to indicate their status on the external panel member nomination form (attached). Panel members will then be asked to bring original documents which evidence the right to work in the UK with them to the event along with a photocopy at the point of confirming approval of the nomination. The servicing officer will then check the original and write on the photocopy that the originals have been seen, their name and title, contact details and date. If an external does not bring details to the event as requested, the original should be sent as soon as possible thereafter by post or, alternatively, a validated copy from their line manager or HR department will be acceptable. NOMINATION FORM Details of programme proposal (AVƽ̨to complete)  Programme title and award   Mode(s) / length of study   Proposed location of delivery (i.e. Associate College, DMU, etc)   Faculty  Programme Management Board (or equivalent)  Programme Leader designate  Proposed start date of partnership/programme  Details of Proposed External Panel Member (Panel member to complete)  Name & title  Present post  Address for correspondence   Telephone number Work: Mobile:  Email address  Main area of teaching and/or research  Other relevant experience pertinent to the validation/approval/review process  Qualifications (CV may be added) Has individual any previous connection with AVƽ̨?  Confirmation of right to work in the UK I confirm my eligibility to work in the UK (in accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act (2006): SIGNED: DATE:  Faculty Endorsement of Nomination  Signature of PVC/Dean   AQC Endorsement of Nomination  Signature of Head of Academic Quality (devolved validation)      S:\DAQ\Validations\Validation guidance updated Feb 2018 #()*34IJKgsdUsG5#hMhq5B* OJQJ\phI}hqCJOJQJ^JaJhuhqOJQJ^JaJhuh?OJQJ^JaJh[hqOJQJ^JaJh[h?OJQJ^JaJ h?h?CJOJQJ^JaJhuB* OJQJ^Jph!hph?B* OJQJ^Jphh[B* OJQJ^Jph!hphpB* OJQJ^JphhpB* OJQJ^Jph!hphT{B* OJQJ^JphJK % 1@gd 0^`0gdn & Fgd\rdgdgdgdq$1$a$gdqgd? $1$a$gdu$a$gdu   ! % d s t  ʵxe[QC9hBOJQJ^JjhBOJQJU^JhDOJQJ^Jh[OJQJ^J$hBVh5B* OJQJ^JphI}hqOJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhqhqOJQJ^Jhq6CJOJQJ^JaJ(hBVhq5B* OJQJ^JaJphI}(hBVh5B* OJQJ^JaJphI}h#KCJOJQJ^JaJ#hMh?5B* OJQJ\phI}   5 6 c W X Y q r ~ Ǹxl^QD7h$hOJQJ^Jh$hnOJQJ^Jh$hqOJQJ^JhqCJOJQJ^JaJhuOJQJ^JaJ h?phu0J#OJQJ^JaJ%jh?pOJQJU^JaJh?pOJQJ^JaJjh?pOJQJU^JaJhuhuOJQJ^JaJhOJQJ^JhBh0J#OJQJ^JjhBOJQJU^J!jhBOJQJU^J *b()-1 *-4͵ͩͩͩ͝{e͝Yͩͩ͝h.CJOJQJ^J+h/m.h5B* CJOJQJ\^JphI}+hMhn5B* CJOJQJ\^JphI}hX<CJOJQJ^JhrCJOJQJ^JhnCJOJQJ^Jhg,)CJOJQJ^Jh 3CJOJQJ^JhCJOJQJ^Jh$h2OJQJ^Jh$hOJQJ^Jh$h(OJQJ^J)56789:UdgdDcXdgd^ dgdgd.gd456:TUTV+,-°pVH;hhOJQJ^Jh$CJOJQJ^JaJ3h$h$5B* CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ phh$5B* OJQJ\phI}hX<OJQJ^Jh$hOJQJ^Jh$hgOJQJ^Jh$hDcXOJQJ^J#hMhn5B* OJQJ\phI}#hMhq5B* OJQJ\phI}h.5B* OJQJ\phI}hCJOJQJ^JaJh.hCJOJQJ^J     +,- $1$IfdgdDcX-/:EL^_`abkl|}۷xnxxaaxahhlOJQJ^JhrOJQJ^JhhN<OJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhhhQ {OJQJ^J#hMhlS5B* OJQJ\phI}#hMh5B* OJQJ\phI}#hMhQ {5B* OJQJ\phI}#hMh5B* OJQJ\phI}$-_`ab|}~RR/ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If^` $1$IfJkd$$If~##  #4 ~a~p yt*$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifa$~{qG* 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifgdr $1$If]kd$$If~0##  #4 ~a~p yt' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$IfF]kd$$If~0##  #4 ~a~p yt' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$If+ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If^m' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$If2 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*= $1$If^= `gdlS/ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*= $1$If^= `;]kd$$If~0##  #4 ~a~p yt $1$If]kd$$If~0##  #4 ~a~p yt  !+<?@UmnprsuvʽذnʬaTPah$hlShN<OJQJ^JhlShOJQJ^J#hMh5B* OJQJ\phI}#hMhlS5B* OJQJ\phI}#hMhQ {5B* OJQJ\phI}hgH+hN<hhhN<OJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhQ {hOJQJ^JhlSOJQJ^JhhT{OJQJ^JhhQ {OJQJ^Jhl !=>?]kd^$$If~0##  #4 ~a~p yt $1$If ?@Anopqq' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$If]kd4$$If~0##  #4 ~a~p ytpqrstuvzzzzpFF*$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifa$ $1$If%$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*1$a$_kd $$If~D0##  #4 ~a~p ytlS]]]]' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$Ifqkd $$Ifu##  0#4 uaup ytlSxnGnGG' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$Ifkd $$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlS$&'4678?^_`efm!"#$)*ThgH+5B* OJQJ\phI}h$5B* OJQJ\phI}h$OJQJ^JhlSOJQJ^JhgH+OJQJ^JhQ { hQ {5hlShQ {OJQJ^JhlShlSOJQJ^Jh h5hlShOJQJ^JhOJQJ^J-xnGnGnG' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$IfkdF $$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlS$%xnGnGGG' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$Ifkd $$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlS%&'567xnnnn $1$Ifkd $$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlS789_`abcdxnGnGGGG' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$Ifkdw $$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlSdefxnDn* 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$IfgdgH+ $1$Ifkd2$$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlSQG $1$Ifkd$$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlS' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If'kd$$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlS' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If* 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifgd$#$%&'(Gkdc$$Ifu40 #    0#4 uauf4p ytlS' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$If()** 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$IfgdF)$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*j1$^ja$T #$'Aǵǚ~pc]WSA#hMhlS5B* OJQJ\phI}hQ { h$CJ hCJhgH+hOJQJ^Jh(dhQ {5OJQJ^Jh(dhT{5OJQJ^Jh(dh5OJQJ^Jh(dh5OJQJ^JhgH+hgH+5 h5#hMhQ {5B* OJQJ\phI}hhgH+hlShgH+OJQJ^JhgH+B*CJOJQJ^Jph%hgH+hgH+B*CJOJQJ^Jpha7*$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifa$)$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*j1$^ja$tkd$$Ifu4##  0#4 uauf4p ytFZZZ' 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$If $1$IfGkd$$If$$  $4 ap -$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifa$gdgH+ !"#$BCsFF-$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifa$gdgH+-$ 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifa$gd]kdU$$If0$  $4 ap ytgH+ABCEKWj̾ډwswswswsohd`\shMhlShGE h(h(hCIh^xzjh^xzU hCJh hCJhgH+hQ {OJQJ^JhQ {OJQJ^Jh[OJQJ^Jh(dhXm5OJQJ^Jh(dh5OJQJ^Jh(dhQ {5OJQJ^JhQ {#hgH+hgH+5B* OJQJ\phI}hQ {5B* OJQJ\phI}CDEW* 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifgd* 8`0jp@ P !$`'0*$1$Ifgd $1$IfgdGkd$$If$$  $4 ap !gdlS_kd$$If0$  $4 ap yt2&P :p$. 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